To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often #fm22

Well here we are, it was just over a month ago I wrote a post telling you my plans for FM22 and now I’m writing to tell you it’s all changed!! Thank you for the quote in the title Mr Churchill!

My plan at the beginning of October was to not write save updates on my blog but instead I was going to do the Sir Alex Ferguson Challenge on the SI Forums.

In that time my focus has been completely on that idea, until a few days ago. I was sitting on my sun lounger in Ibiza sipping a nice cold beer, the FM22 Beta had been released the previous night and I was buzzing to get home and fire it up, I actually didn’t realise how excited I was for the new game to drop.

I then let my mind wander, I was seeing all these amazing save reveals coming out and I was wondering whether the save I had in mind was a bit boring, instead I was thinking could I make my own challenge up again, blog it and try and regain the excitement that I had in the previous versions?

Then I got home, I installed the game and immediately my mind went into over-drive about what I could do that would be different and exciting for me throughout this version.

The other reason for thinking about changing my mind was my fingers, the operation I had on my left finger had gone really well and with that my right finger seems to have gone pain free without the op, this gives me the chance to start writing again properly.

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So instead of using the forums to update I thought why not reinvigorate the blog, give everyone what they all crave and start doing the save updates once again!! So that’s exactly what I’m going to do!!!

So now we’ve got that out of the way I guess we better discuss the save I’ve planned. This is a twist on save I saw a while ago by my good friend and cousin @lewisvocey.

So welcome to…..

Oh I love a good pun!

In the words of my American friend @seattlered:

“The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters”

So clearly by the name of the title you can tell I am doing some kind of save in Europe but let me explain a bit more.

What I have done is separated the 35 available European nations in the vanilla database into 6 tiers. This is ranked by their national co-efficient in the game.

The aim is, starting in tier 6 to get all the way to tier 1 but clearly there must be some rules to how I do that. So here we go:

  • I will be starting unemployed with no coaching badges and Sunday league reputation.
  • All 6 nations from Tier 6 will be loaded at the start of the save.
  • To move to the Tier 5 I have to win the LEAGUE and CUP in 3 of the nations in that tier, to move to Tier 4, again I have to win the League and Cup in 3 of the nations, and so on.

Now a save wouldn’t be a save for me without giving myself a couple of rules, and for this version I’ve set myself two restrictions that I haven’t done before.

  • Firstly, I can only sign players that come through on my scouting recommendations (either the scouting centre or the scouting update that comes through as a news item). Basically I CANNOT use the player search.
  • Secondly, I have to make sure I have at least 2 players in the matchday squad that have come through the club academy.

And there we have it, the save/challenge will be complete when I have won the League and Cup in 3 nations in Tier 1.

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Wish me luck!

Now there is one more thing I’m going to do in this save, I know a few people don’t like it but I do so clear off I’m doing it! The achievement hunter list is back!

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The list is 32 achievements long and I do feel I can get them all, there are some tough ones though, including winning the Champions League with a Tier 4, 5 or 6 team!

Now really wish me luck!

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Anyway enough of the GIFs and rambling, here is where the post ends. I hope you enjoyed, I certainly did and I hope no one minds the change in direction. Just remember….

LutterworthFox over and out.

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